Top 20 Best AI tools for freelancers

20 Best AI tools for freelancers

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence tools are unique assistants that have numerous applications for independent contractors. Invoicing, bookkeeping, PowerPoint, and data analysis scheduling can all be done automatically with additional features that save time. Automating the monotonous chores allows freelancers to focus more on their jobs and accomplish more. You will get to know 20 best AI tools for freelancers in this Blog.

Your workflow can be stable using the right AI tool, allowing you to concentrate on producing high-quality work. You can also analyze the AI’s work using a free trial is now available among various industries or companies. More than 20+ AI-powered tools help freelancers in different ways based on their needs and tasks.

Grammar and spell checkers, graphic designers, video conferencing, project and task managers, social media managers, client meeting platforms, accounting software tools, AI marketing tools, text description tools, and project management tools are a few examples of AI applications that can save freelancers heaps of time. These days, independent professionals have interfaces with an abundance of the best AI tool options for services that assist with content creation, automation, and administrative labor because of the advancements in generative artificial intelligence (AI).

The 20 artificial intelligence tools on this list are some of the best choices for independent contractors and business owners to consider at this time, regardless of your background in development, administration, handling small businesses creativity, or finance. 

Advancement of Artificial Intelligence(AI)

AI, formerly limited to science fiction movies, is now a commonplace technology. Numerous AI-enabled solutions are available on the market that significantly Hostinger’s workload, particularly for independent contractors and self-employed individuals.

In 2030, AI might boost the world economy by up to $15.7 trillion, according to a PwC analysis. If independent contractors and self-employed individuals wish to stay competitive in the free project market, they will have to use artificial intelligence.

For freelancers, what features ought to be included in AI tools?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies function like a dedicated group of personal assistants, persistently operating in the background to produce innovative ideas and observations that elevate your work. Your project development, project management, and content creation processes will all be enhanced by the correct AI tool, regardless of your profession—freelance writer, designer, or business owner. With so many AI technologies available, freelancers need to know what to look for when selecting the appropriate tools.

Look for AI solutions that offer the advantages that are most important to you, like:

– An easy-to-use UI for rapid onboarding- Tools for automating your tedious chores- Important elements that are most important to you, such as original content, flawless photos, and excellent content quality- SEO optimization that raises search engine rankings for writers, website owners, and independent content producers

Use AI tools for product managers, project monitoring software, and project plan software to increase your efficiency while using AI to manage huge projects. Generating relevant and high-quality articles quickly is possible with the aid of artificial intelligence (AI). You may devote more time to planning and creativity because it also enables you to uphold consistency and relevancy. These artificial intelligence writing tools support you in scaling content production while maintaining high standards, from content production to grammatical checking. Many best tools have user-friendly interfaces for content creators and creative artists. With the advanced features of the powerful AI tool, your work can be done with ease.

Let’s take a look at the 20 Best AI tools for freelancers.

Hostinger AI Assistant

Web development is simplified by Hostinger’s AI Website Builder. Little companies, bloggers, and non-techies in need of professional-looking websites can all benefit greatly from this tool. Code writing is not necessary to create a complete website. Select your preferred website layout template, alter the design, and launch your website with only a few clicks, all made possible by the user-friendly interface and integrated AI tools.

A WordPress plugin called Hostinger AI Assistant makes it easier to create and launch content for your WordPress website. This plugin will create original, SEO-friendly blog posts with a meta description and automatic stock image selection if you just answer a few questions. You will have the freedom to alter the content to your liking and determine its length and tone.

Hostinger AI Assistant Stats

Top Features

  • SEO. Generate SEO-friendly content with meta descriptions and keyword suggestions to boost your website’s visibility on search engines.
  • User-friendliness. Get images to illustrate your blog posts and make them more captivating.

LongShot AI: Long-Form AI Content Writer

Writing excellent content is a need for success as a freelance writer where search engine optimization ranks your blog as the best.  This powerful tool entails creating well-written, flawless blog entries, site content, and other written materials that will captivate and engage your readers. With only a few clicks, you can create high-quality long-form material with LongShot AI, an AI-powered writing assistant. 

Entering your keyword or topic and letting the AI do the heavy lifting is all that is required to produce high-quality content. As one of the most complete AI writers for creating long-form articles, LongShot bills itself as a great tool. You can see that because it comes with a ton of helpful features (like fact-checking and niche selection) and integrations (like Grammarly, WordPress plugins, and Copyscape) that make blogging easier. 

DocuSign: Signing Documents

DocuSign is one of the leading electronic signing services. With the platform, you can quickly create a digital signature to sign your electronic documents. This process would involve a party either (1) scanning a paper-based document to a digital format, e.g., PDF, or (2) creating a new digital copy entirely from scratch.

When working with clients, freelancers are frequently required to sign contracts and important paperwork. Invoices, non-disclosure agreements, contracts, and more may fall under this category.

DocuSign is one tool with great features that can make this process quick and simple. For good reason, it’s one of the most popular electronic signature tools. It is simple to use and offers key features that most people look for in an eSignature application, including the ability to enhance signatures with artificial intelligence.

Once you’ve completed your task and signed all the paperwork, it’s time to yell, “Show me the money!” Indeed, the moment has come to create your service invoice.

Invoice Ninja: Assistance on Invoice

Freelancers have a lot of responsibilities, but invoicing is one of the most significant. Receiving payment for your labor can be difficult if you don’t properly invoice. 

I think all freelancers should utilize Invoice Ninja—a fantastic AI-driven application for creating invoices. It makes it simple to get paid for your hard work with its user-friendly features and straightforward layout.

Payment is without a doubt one of the nicest aspects of working as a freelancer. When you are paid, is there anyone who doesn’t enjoy the buzz on their phone? 

Users can communicate with ChatGPT, a generative AI chatbot, via conversation threads. GPT-3.5, a language model trained to generate text, serves as the foundation for ChatGPT. Using Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF), a technique that guides the model toward desired behavior through preference comparisons and human examples, ChatGPT was optimized for discourse. Content from these conversations includes:

  • Formatted text
  • Markdown tables
  • Color swatches
  • Code
  • Diagrams

Many self-employed professionals have found that ChatGPT is a valuable addition to their work processes. For instance, 

  • eBay listing writers can use ChatGPT to better manage product listings and create descriptions for different variations of a product.
  •  iOS developers can rely on ChatGPT for assistance in answering questions about Swift coding. 
  • Outbound sales specialists can ask ChatGPT to generate templates for cold outreach emails that they can send to potential customers.

Text and tables can be generated with free basic ChatGPT access. You’ll need to pay $20 a month for a Plus subscription to take data from the internet, make diagrams, and add plug-ins to increase ChatGPT’s capability.

Uizard: To create designs

Hand-drawn concepts can be converted into useful digital design files with the aid of an AI tool for freelancers. The platform provides a productive means for designers and developers to showcase their creativity. With Uizard, prototyping may be accelerated without sacrificing the unique quality of hand-drawn designs. 

Creative notions can be swiftly and effortlessly transferred from sketchbooks to computer displays by freelancers through the digitization of sketches. This platform is an effective tool that aids in the realization of graphic designers’ concepts. 

A free trial of Uizard is available at first. Uizard has several pricing tiers for its paid edition, which can be paid for annually or every month Monthly rates begin at $19.

 OtterMeeting Assistant is an AI-powered transcription tool and AI assistant that can be used in a web browser and through Apple and Android apps. It’s also integrated with popular video conferencing platforms like ZoomGoogle Meet, and Microsoft Teams. You can record a variety of chats with Otter, an AI transcription service.

 Among its attributes are:

  1. Transcription and summary services for Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet
  2. Face-to-face, real-time audio transcription
  3. transcription of prerecorded audio and video files
  4. Conversion of transcripts to action items

Otter’s AI technology can be useful for independent professionals in various ways. For example, a virtual assistant can utilize Otter to transcribe video calls taking place a different timezone. Similarly, freelance writers can use Otter to transcribe all in-person or Zoom interviews. 

Researchers can store conversation transcripts in Otter and then ask the AI to highlight important details and facts. You can get started with Otter for free with the Basic plan, which allows you to transcribe up to 300 minutes of live content every month, with a 30-minute limit per conversation. If you require more transcription services, paid plans start at $10 per month (billed annually).

Clickup AI: To Manage any work

ClickUp AI solutions may help you with things like automating repetitive tasks, improving the quality of your content, and gaining insights from your data. The AI writing assistant tool from ClickUp can assist you with article generation, blog creation, and email drafting. 

Use ClickUp Doc, the ideal tool for altering text fragments, to swiftly enhance text parts. You’ll adore ClickUp’s Summarize Document function as well! It condenses lengthy documents quickly so you can immediately understand the main points. 

The artificial intelligence writing tools from ClickUp can help you improve your work regardless of your experience level as a freelancer.

ClickUp Features:

  • A large range of AI technologies suitable learning curve for all fields, such as sales, marketing, engineering, product design, content creation, and writing
  • With just a few clicks, you can compose an email, blog post, and more with the Write with AI tool.
  • This program, Summarize Document, efficiently summarizes lengthy documents.
  • Communication and collaboration, such as chat, comments, and notifications
  • Task management, such as assigning, reporting, and custom fields
  • Project planning, such as different views, time estimates, and relationships
  • Progress tracking, such as time tracking, budgeting, and goals
  • Workflow automation, such as templates and triggers

ClickUp restrictions:

  • ClickUp wasn’t built for bookkeepers.
  • The set-up takes time (and doesn’t work out of the box).
  • It can be too detailed for what you need.
  • Limited email integration (and no automated client reminders).
  • The free tier of ClickUp is useful, but it’s also lacking in some areas. 

Notion AI: – To enhance productivity and creativity

Notion AI is an AI-assisted or artificial intelligence technology that is easily integrated into Notion. The company claims that Notion AI is a writing helper that could enable you to write more swiftly and efficiently. It may be used to create a wide range of information, including emails, job descriptions, blogs, and much more. The Notion AI is powered by the renowned OpenAI, which is well-known for its products such as Dall-E and ChatGPT. Currently, in its Alpha phase, Notion AI requires you to join their waitlist if you’d like early access.

Are you a Notion user who loves using it as a note-taking tool, knowledge management system, or second brain? Then, you can now integrate AI into your work without switching between multiple services. 

For instance, bloggers can create a content calendar and utilize Notion AI to generate post outlines. Similarly, data visualization experts can use Notion AI to sortsummarize, and extract highlights from data. Interior designers can rely on Notion AI to organize and search through client contact databases or project notes. 

Notion AI pricing starts at $8 per user per month when billed yearly. You can add this feature to any Notion account, including free plans.

Canva: To create design at ease

Imagine being able to quickly create engaging social media images for your brand that reflect its distinct personality, freelancers! You can create eye-catching Facebook covers, Pinterest treasures, and Instagram stories that just say “YOU” using Canva. Your internet presence is instantly improved with their free templates. It is also a friendly mobile app too which is easy to use.

 Using the well-liked design platform, creating branded visuals, presentations, papers, and more is now simpler than ever thanks to Canvas Magic DesignTM capabilities. 

Canvas Magic Design: What is it? It’s the fulfillment of my desire to work from home! With the help of this free AI-powered gem, you can transform your ideas into customized templates that are perfect for your freelance job. Once you add your material, presto! Now is the time for your special template to shine.

With a few clicks and simple text commands, Canva users can:
-To create a range of social media visuals for a particular campaign, ask Canva to
-Modify the fonts and colors of a webpage template to conform to a brand.
-Convert content produced by AI into a slide deck.
-Create a LinkedIn carousel using Instagram posts.
-create an Instagram template customization with Magic Design

It’s a helpful tool with more than specific needs that can assist more freelance professionals in producing content for their companies or clientele. Canvas AI may assist any independent professional in producing marketing content, client presentations, and brand identities. Brochure designers might want to experiment with applying AI to expedite their current workflows.

AI-powered support could be available for professional narrators when building a portfolio website. Every Canva plan, including the free one, has Magic Design (with a complementary feature called Magic Write™).

 Dall E: Best friend for Graphic designers

Dall-E, an OpenAI member, generates entirely new graphics in various styles using text descriptions, just like ChatGPT. It is a tool that freelancers can use to improve and generate new graphics. It also allows for the generation of Logos. A really interesting tool for artists and graphic designers. 

It is trained with maximum likelihood to create each token one after the other after receiving the text and image as a single stream of data with up to 1280 tokens. 
With this training approach, DALL·E can create an image from scratch and can also regenerate any rectangular section that reaches the bottom-right corner of an existing image consistently with the text prompt.

15 supposedly “credits” for Dall-E are given out each month. Thus, fifteen AI-generated ones are provided free of charge each month. More credits can be obtained for about 14 euros a month if needed. There are 115 total credits available.

Grammarly – Lifesaver for Writers

To make your life as a freelancer easier, Grammarly is a helpful application that’s like having a writing companion!

Grammarly is not limited to one location. You can find it anywhere you need it! Grammarly is your friend whether you’re using Microsoft Office, working on a computer, browsing, or the internet. It’s similar to that trustworthy buddy who is there for you whenever you need them!

You can add flair, simplify, add some jazz, or even alter the tone of your writing with a single click. Your words have the power of magic!

Fundamentally, Grammarly is the grammar-saving champion that independent contractors require. It eliminates those small errors, cuts out unnecessary words, and enhances the clarity of your writing. It’s the editor you’ve always wanted—one that is trustworthy, efficient, and concerned about your welfare. 

Communicate Yourself Clearly:

This will enable you to determine whether the tone of your message is appropriate for your objectives by helping you determine whether it sounds formal, informal, friendly, or serious, depending on the context or target audience. Let Grammarly be your freelancer’s lighthouse in the writing world, where language and precision meet to make creating your message a joyful endeavor! Grammarly’s pricing structure provides alternatives for varying degrees of writing improvement:

  • Free Plan: ₹0/month, providing basic writing corrections and a glimpse into your writing tone.
  • Premium Plan: ₹984/month (billed annually), expands on the Free version with advanced writing feedback, sentence rewrites, fluency enhancements, plagiarism checks, and more.
  • Business Plan: $15/member/month (billed annually), includes all Premium features plus tools for team writing, style guides, and advanced analytics. – for copywriters and social media managers

Jasper is a leading text-generation tool in the marketing sector. It specializes in over 50 copywriting skills, including creating outlines and introductions for blog posts, crafting product descriptions and emails, composing Google and Facebook ads, writing headlines for Facebook ads, and generating content for social media posts and YouTube video descriptions. It is the best social media management tool to explore more. - AI Tool for Copywriters and Social Media Managers

The simplest approach to automatically generate excellent text is with The ideal resource for copywriters and social media managers. Jasper can be utilized for free up to a point. You should anticipate paying between $39 and $99 for all capabilities to be unrestrictedly used. The simplest approach to automatically generate excellent text is with The ideal resource for copywriters and social media managers. 

TensorFlow – Programmers

The field of machine learning is highly intricate. These can now be implemented more easily because of the necessary resources. Google’s TensorFlow framework is one example of this. Python programmers can use TensorFlow, an open-source library for machine learning and numerical computation. 

TensorFlow - AI Tool For Programmers

This platform simplifies the process of collecting data and training machine learning models. Freelancers can use it to create deep neural networks for handwritten number classification, image recognition, lexical plinking, recursive neural networks, and much more.

AI Image Enlarger: For better clarity and quality

Freelancers, get ready to supercharge your visuals! The AI Image Enlarger takes your photos to a new level of crispness and clarity. Whether it’s for social media, website design, or client presentations, this tool helps make every image stand out. 

Do you want to enlarge and improve the quality of your little images? It’s what the AI Image Enlarger accomplishes! It sharpens photos to 2k and 4k resolutions, making them ideal for printing or sharing online without sacrificing quality. 

If you’re a freelancer, you can enjoy some top features with this tool. With its help, you can say goodbye to blurry images and make them look sharp and professional. You can also enhance the lighting and colors in your photos to give them a more appealing look. The tool is fast, easy to use, and perfect for freelancers on the go. While there’s a limit to how much it can enhance resolution, it can still take your images pretty far.

The free version of the tool is fantastic, but there are some usage limits and size limitations. However, the quality enhancements that you get from this tool are worth the trade-off. You can choose from different plans as per your needs:

 Free Plan: $0/month, which is perfect for occasional use with 10 credits monthly.

 Starter Plan: $4.9/month, which is a step up for regular users offering 100 credits monthly.

 Premium Plan: $9.9/month, which is for heavy users with 1000 credits monthly.

 Advanced Plan: $19/month, which is for those who need bulk processing and offers unlimited access.

You can start using AI Image Enlarger’s free credits to jump into image enlarging and scale up as per your needs without any hassle.

 Copysmith: Content creation for e-commerce product

With Copysmith, an AI writing assistant, huge marketing teams, owners of eCommerce stores, and internal marketing teams of large corporations may create all kinds of marketing-related material at scale.

Copysmith works with you to craft captivating copy that leverages cutting-edge GPT-3 Artificial Intelligence to produce content of extraordinary caliber. Too much time is wasted by many self-employed individuals on this unpaid work. 

Copysmith is an amazing chance to use AI to generate content automatically. There are two monthly options available for Copysmith: $19 and $49 respectively.

MidJourney: converting natural language to image

Midjourney is an example of generative AI that can convert natural language Processing prompts into images. This AI-powered tool is only one of many machine learning-based image generators that have emerged of late. Despite that, it has risen to become one of the biggest names in AI alongside DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.

Have you tried the Midjourney AI Art Generative Tool yet? This amazing technology can turn your words into incredible pictures. Think of it as an artist that takes your text and transforms it into art. It’s pretty cool! Here’s how it works: you type in what you want to see, like “a futuristic city or a little girl in a palace with a beautiful blue dress” and hit the “imagine” button. Voila! You’ll get an image that brings your words to life.

So, why is Midjourney such a big deal? Let me explain:

• A+ Image Quality: The images you get are super sharp and realistic as if they were created by a professional artist.

 High-Resolution Output: You can get big, detailed pictures up to 1,792 x 1,024 pixels!

• Super Accessible: It works through Discord, so anyone can use it.

• Customize All You Want: There are plenty of options to tweak your images until they’re perfect.

• Great Community: There’s a Discord server where you can share your art, get tips, and chat with other users.

• Always Getting Better: The Midjourney team keeps updating the tool, so it’s continually improving and becoming more powerful.

Copy AI: Generate copywriting

Copy AI is an artificial intelligence writing tool that creates headlines for blogs, emails, social media posts, web copy, and more through machine learning. Constructed on OpenAI’s GPT-3 large language model (LLM), Copy AI is intended to assist users in the process of creating copy. It is available in over 25 languages, offers a variety of writing frameworks and tools to get you started, and is an excellent resource for anyone new to generative AI.

Copy AI landing page

Copy AI is also a generative AI platform designed to streamline the writing process for social media. It enhances brand presence and audience engagement through AI-generated copy. Generate blog posts, social media platform content, product descriptions, and short-form content for paid campaigns.

Copy AI is invaluable for social media managers and digital marketers, providing a quick and efficient way to create compelling content across various platforms.

Top Features

  • Variety of copy formats. Generate a wide variety of copy formats for social media, including captions, descriptions, and ad copy.
  • Customizable prompts. Customize prompts to get the exact results you need. Specify the platform, tone, and target audience for your content.
  • Plagiarism check. Ensure that all social media posts are original and free of copyright infringement.

Copy AI Stats

  • Price: freemium, paid plans start at $36/month
  • Required skills: none

 ChatfuelNo code bot tool

A conversational chatbot powered by AI can be created in real time by individuals or corporations using Chatfuel, a no-code bot construction platform. By enabling users to efficiently manage automated chats, this unified chatbot platform shows to be tremendous value for Facebook and Instagram message services. 

Internationally renowned businesses including Greenpeace, Nissan, Nivea, MSNBC, National Geographic, and many more choose ChatFuel’s integrated technologies. 

Features that are meant to be convenient and flexible allow users of this chatbot platform to create a welcoming brand image. 

With an 80% resolution rate and round-the-clock instantaneous customer support, Chatfuel’s services help firms successfully win back customers. 

Chatfuel is an AI-based platform that lets you build and manage advanced chatbots for social media. It enhances customer engagement and support, and you don’t require any special skills to use it. With Chatfuel, you can create customized chatbots for Facebook Messenger and Instagram that can automate customer interactions, FAQs, and lead generation. 

The AI-powered chatbots of Chatfuel can help improve social media engagement by providing instant responses to user queries, increasing customer satisfaction, and freeing up human resources for more complex tasks. 

Some of the top features of Chatfuel are visually appealing templates, which you can use to create a chatbot that matches your brand’s style. You also get analytics and reporting features to identify the most effective conversations and make improvements over time. Chatfuel integrates with popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram, making it easy for you to connect your chatbot to your existing social media accounts.

Luminar Neo – perfect tools for photos

Luminar Neo is a robust image editor available for both Mac and Windows. It’s powered by AI-driven editing software that optimizes photos, making it a perfect tool for both beginners and experts. You can either get it as a subscription or a one-time purchase. This flexibility allows users to own Luminar Neo outright if they prefer.

The AI-powered features in Neo are what make it stand out. They enable users to relight a scene, replace the sky, remove power lines and dust spots, and perform various portrait enhancements with just a few clicks.

Luminar Neo is particularly useful for novices as it allows them to perform complex photo editing tasks with ease. Experienced photographers can also use it to save time or experiment with their image editing.

Apart from the AI wizardry, Luminar Neo provides a solid selection of core editing tools that rival other popular image editors. It comes with numerous presets that instantly apply photo effects to images, saving users time. The AI recognizes the image and suggests suitable ‘For This Photo’ presets.

Luminar Neo is also a versatile tool that can be used for retouching images, removing objects and backgrounds, or adjusting the exposure. The AI features focus on faces, highlights, color harmonies, or the mood of the image.

You can use Luminar Neo either as standalone software or directly from other image editing programs. The full version is available free of charge for seven days, while full use costs roughly $11 per month.

Lightning AI – web development

Lightning AI landing page

Lightning AI is a web development platform that uses AI to simplify and speed up the development, deployment, and scaling of deep learning models with PyTorch. It offers a variety of features that make it easy to build and run AI projects, regardless of your experience level.

Lightning AI is one of the top AI development platforms, and it can integrate with distributed computing environments. This allows you to train your models on multiple GPUs or TPUs for better performance, making it ideal for handling large datasets and complex models. As a result, the training process is accelerated, and model accuracy is improved.

Here are some of the top features of Lightning AI:

– Reduced boilerplate code: Lightning AI handles the repetitive and error-prone aspects of deep learning, allowing users to focus on the core logic of their models.

– Seamless deployment: Use the built-in tools to package and deploy AI models to production environments, making them available to a wider audience.

– Pre-built Lightning apps: These apps are ready-made templates for common AI tasks, which simplify the development process for specific applications.

– Collaboration tools: Lightning AI encourages collaboration among developers by allowing them to share models, data, and code efficiently.

Lightning AI Stats: 

– Price: pay as you go, paid plans start at $50/month

– Required skills: coding knowledge

In the End

AI technology has something to offer everyone, whether you’re interested in content creation, social media management, or task management. From AI-powered tools to AI website builders, freelancers can find tools that cater to their technical demands and align with the evolving needs of the freelance community. The current generation of AI tools empowers you to be more creative and efficient, enabling you to increase your profits and achieve a better work-life balance. Finding the best AI tools has become a piece of cake job. However, the power of AI cannot replace human ability and creations completely. So, we have to analyze the right passion and right tool that can enhance our freelancer work with ease.

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